Autobahn Police Simulator 3 – Update 1.0.4

The next patch is ready for our community. Here is a list of the most noteworthy fixes and changes we made:

Changelog – Update 1.0.4

  • Fixed some more occurrences of soft locks in major accidents.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the accident sketch in mission “Under Surveillance” to be completed.
  • Fixed an issue with radio calls not being cancelled correctly if a speed check is started.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the player from completing a “Driving School” mission.
  • Further improvements for grounding of objects in “Street Cleanup” missions. There are still some known objects which are not yet fully configured and we are actively working on updating them for the next patches.
  • Fixed unique mission points on the Map are only visible on the rank where you unlocked a mission. Now they stay visible in the world & map.
  • Changed the scaling for small items in accident sketches to have a default size instead of a proper scaling to prevent items from becoming too small.
  • Changed the default rotation of sketches in preparation for some other planned visual improvements regarding street lines in sketches.
  • Fixed misplaced characters in the intro cutscene in mission “Slick Slider”
  • Fixed unintentionally photographing outlines of other objects while taking accident pictures.
  • Fixed mini map option for always north sometimes not pointing north.
  • Fixed a problem causing the confirmation of a MOT control sometimes not working correctly.
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